Jo-Aynne Von Born, Leadership and Executive Coach

Category: Professional Development

  • Listening: The Secret to Great Public Speaking

    Yes, I know that sounds counterintuitive. As an executive coach who helps people hone their public speaking and presence skills, public speaking should be about speaking not listening, right? Wrong. Here’s why. The audience wants to be part of your presentation. They want this experience to be a conversation between you and them (even if…

  • Leadership is for Everyone!

    Leadership is not only the ability to move others towards a vision. It’s also the ability to move yourself towards a vision as well. Leadership is not a quality you are born with, although it may seem that way. Leadership is a skill that everyone can embrace. It includes a set of learned behaviors that…

  • How to Collaborate without Burnout.

    If you work in an organization, it’s highly likely that you have been asked to collaborate with others on a project. If you are in a leadership position, it seems that collaboration is the new competence and is key to the efficient use of the organization’s resources. There’s an old saying that there are two…