Jo-Aynne Von Born, Leadership and Executive Coach

Wake Up Energized And Ready To Take On The Day.

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Steve Jobs famously said, “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

How often do you wake up each morning burdened by your to-do list and uninspired about the day ahead? How much has the certainty you once felt about your work and life path evaporated, leaving you floundering in a sea of uncertainty?

We can all have bad days or dull weeks, but it’s time to take notice and consider a change if it goes on too long.

Courageously embrace change.

Summon the courage to look at and potentially let go of what no longer serves you –whether it’s a stagnant career, unfulfilling relationships, or outdated beliefs. Trust in your ability to adapt and thrive in the face of change.Happiness often lies on the other side of discomfort.

Adopt a default “Yes” mindset.

In our stressed-out society, many are defaulting to a “no” mindset to enforce boundaries for self-care. But in your quest for self-discovery, staying open to new experiences is essential. Choose to say “yes” to opportunities that pique your interest, even if they seem unconventional or outside your comfort zone.

Collect stories, not regrets.

Life is a series of experiences, and every decision you make adds a story to the book you write day by day about your life journey. Rather than worry if each chapter is perfect, seize the moment, take risks, and pursue what interests you with less reservation.

Action→Take a temperature check.

To wake up with enthusiasm and energy for your life, you must regularly get a reading on where you are in the big 3 priorities: health, relationships, and wealth. Just like a thermometer gauges whether or not you have a fever, answer these questions to gauge where you are in each of the big 3.

  • What is fear stopping you from doing?
  • What could you say “Yes” to?
  • What experiences, rather than things, would be enriching?

What this looks like in practice.

I have seen people at various stages of their careers and lives make significant changes with these questions. Professionals on the fast track at prestigious organizations pivoted to full-time entrepreneurs. Die-hard entrepreneurs went back to the corporate world, unashamed of the stability they craved. Couch potatoes became runners and exercise junkies took breaks. Passive partners vocalized their needs, while aggressive ones learned empathy.

Consider regular temperature checks to find that place of truth. You might discover you only have a minor fever that resolves with a little refocus and reprioritizing, putting you back on your enthusiastic feet again. Other times, more serious medicine might be needed.

Either way, you will be creating a more authentically rewarding life that makes you jump out of bed with a smile most mornings, even in the midst of the inevitable challenges we all face.

Until next week, take good care.

Jo-Aynne Von Born, Leadership and Executive Coach

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Hi! My name is Jo-Aynne Von Born. I am a leadership and executive coaching helping business professionals awaken their potential for more success in their careers and lives. Learn more at

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